by Jessica Cleary, Psychologist Please be advised: This post contains information related to suicide By now you are likely aware of the warnings from leading mental health agencies regarding the current Netflix phenomenon, 13 Reasons Why. Here is a summary of the main issues identified, and how you can help your child should they be watching (or have watched) this series. 13 Reasons Why tells the story of Hannah, a 17-year-old girl who takes her own life after being a victim of bullying, sexual harassment and rape. She has left behind 13 audio tapes which recount events and the people she holds responsible for motivating her to suicide. The national suicide media initiative, Mindframe, as well as the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Headspace, have significant concerns and warnings related to the content of 13 Reasons Why. The Department of Education and Training has alerted schools to the risks involved with this series and guidance around the subject matter. Many mental health organisations, including The National Association of School Psychologists have created resources for educators and parents. Issues that may prove dangerous for vulnerable viewers:
How to support your teen
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