Paula Dadson, Occupational Therapist First: What is Sensory Processing?Sensory processing is when the body takes in sensory input, such as a bright light or a noisy classroom, and has the ability to process and interpret that information and react in an appropriate way. Sensory processing difficulties occur when this information does not get organised into an appropriate response leaving the person to feel the sensory input more or less than others would. A person may be seeking or avoiding environmental stimuli, or they may be constantly distracted by some input. Where some may not register the amount of stimuli around them. This can make it very hard for people to complete daily activities when they are constantly under or over stimulated by their environment. It often leads to trouble engaging in a task and being able to concentrate. An example of this is when a child has sensory seeking preferences and is given a task that requires concentration while they sit still at a desk. This child will find it very difficult to focus and complete this task while they are not receiving this sensory input for a long period of time. Why Deep Pressure?One technique that is proved to increase attention and help organise a response to sensory stimuli is deep pressure. It is hard to understand how deep pressure would help people who are seeking sensory input as well as those who are avoiding this input. Deep pressure provides proprioceptive input which calms and regulates the Central Nervous System. The Central Nervous System includes both a parasympathetic and sympathetic systems which work together to regulate our body. Deep pressure decreases the sympathetic activity that causes your “fight or flight” reaction to stressful situations. It also increases parasympathetic activity which will slow down high energy functions like heart rate, and blood pressure. This will help regulate the body to interpret sensory input and increase attention and concentration. Deep pressure also helps release serotonin and dopamine hormones which increase mood, and stimulates melatonin release to help with sleep. Therefore Deep pressure should help people with sensory processing difficulties to complete those activities they were having trouble with. Some Examples of Deep Pressure |